Virtual CLE Program: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You – State Attorneys General Regulatory & Enforcement Authority Over Your Clients
1.00 Hr CLE Approved
The Forum and Foley & Lardner, LLP invite you to join us for a Virtual CLE Program on Tuesday, October 13th discussing how State Attorneys General (“AGs”) are not only lawyers for their states; they are political actors, public policy advocates and even regulators with significant penalty, injunctive, and other powers which could have a substantial impact on your organization. State AGs are thus highly influential throughout state governments, and nationally, because they directly affect and advance the interests of consumers and businesses while utilizing the power of media outreach.
Gold Underwriter Host:
At the request of our in-house members, the Forum is offering high quality CLE programming hosted by our Gold Underwriters to help members secure their annual CLE requirements while sheltered in place.
Prospective Members Welcome!
If you have questions, contact the Forum at
Ed BurbachPartner, Co-Chair State Attorneys General Practice, Foley & Lardner, LLP
Frank PasquesiPartner, Co-Chair State Attorneys General Practice, Foley & Lardner, LLP
Michael BelaenVP, Regulatory Affairs, Amplifon Americas