Virtual CLE Program: Best Practices for Virtual Attendance at Depositions and Hearings – Lessons Learned Six Months Into COVID
1.00 Hr CLE Approved
The Forum and King & Spalding invite you to join us for a Virtual CLE Program discussing how COVID-19 is forcing litigators and parties across the country to change their approach to depositions and hearings. What are the options for remote attendance at depositions and hearings? How do you prepare? What is the difference once you are attending virtually? We will discuss best practices for virtual attendance at depositions and hearings — the lessons we have learned both before and during COVID-19.
Gold Underwriter Host:
At the request of our in-house members, the Forum is offering high quality CLE programming hosted by our Gold Underwriters to help members secure their annual CLE requirements while sheltered in place.
Prospective Members Welcome!
If you have questions, contact the Forum at
Kathryn LehmanPartner, King & Spalding
Scott EdsonPartner, King & Spalding