Virtual CLE Program: Charting a Course Through Ethical, Legal and Business Issues Arising from the Frontier of third-Party Litigation Funding
1.00 Hr CLE Ethics Available
The Forum and Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr PC invite you to join us for a Virtual Ethics CLE Program on Tuesday, July 27th. This presentation will address key ethical, legal and practical considerations in-house counsel will face in pursuing or defending litigation financed by third-party lenders.
Ethical issues include:
- Role of litigation counsel in assisting clients when negotiating terms with third-party funders
- Communications during litigation between counsel and third-party funders
- Role / ability of third-party funders to participate in directing counsel and controlling litigation decisions
The presentation will also address:
- How decisions and strategies in defending a case can be affected by the involvement of a third-party funder supporting the opposing side
- Issues in-house counsel may consider when deciding whether to utilize a third-party funder to reduce economic risks when affirmatively pursuing claims against other
Gold Underwriter Host:
At the request of our in-house members, the Forum is offering high quality CLE programming hosted by our Gold Underwriters to help members secure their annual CLE requirements.